Saturday, February 24, 2007

Interview Learning Artifact

Insights into Dr. Julie E. Dodd's use of technology

  • Prior to interviewing Dr. Julie E. Dodd my knowledge of public relations professional’s use of technology was based on courses I have taken in the college of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida, membership in Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) and personal experience.
  • Completed Courses MMC2100: Writing for Mass Communication PUR3000: Introduction to Public Relations
  • I knew that public relations professionals used computers as a main tool in their field of work. Word processing and the Internet are starting points for public relations professionals to create news releases, news letters, brochures, searches and correspond with people. The programs in Microsoft Office and Photoshop are software programs I had heard that were useful in completing projects.
  • Beyond the computer phones, fax machines and printers are very useful technology to use in the filed of public relations. Access to video equipment and editing is also useful when creating projects like Public Service Announcements (PSAs).

  • As a result of my interview with Dr. Dodd I learned that in the field of communications and public relations a personal computer (PC) is great for word processing and accessing the Internet but the Macintosh (Mac) is essential for creating multi-media projects. Macs software programs have more capabilities than those offered on a PC. Dr. Dodd regularly uses Dreamweaver to update her course Web sites and GarageBand to create podcasts that are hosted on iTunes.
  • I also learned that it is important to take advantage of the technology you have access to 24/7. Dr. Dodd revealed to me in our interview that she uses her cell phone more for taking photographs than to speaking to people. Recently when visiting the campus bookstore Dr. Dodd realized she wanted a photograph of the crowds of people purchasing championship merchandise. She took the photograph with her phone, e-mailed herself the image and was able to use it in her classroom presentations with ease. After speaking with Dr. Dodd I have realized that you need to look at the available technology and think of every possible use. Dr. Dodd’s personal example showed the cell phone’s main capability of keeping in touch with friends and professionals is just one of its uses. Taking advantage of the capabilities of technology will facilitate experienced and profitable use.

  • My interview with Dr. Dodd was very inspiring and has encouraged me to learn to use the software applications available on a Mac. Computer home use may be powered by the PC but in order to succeed and flourish in public relations I need to master working with a Mac and its software applications. From her successes from a typing course in high school to using a Mac in the workplace Dr. Dodd is a great example of seeking out and embracing new technologies into her field of work. After speaking with Dr. Dodd I hope to aspire to her capabilities and successful uses of technology in my future my learning new technologies and applying my knowledge to create successful projects.

Interview with Dr. Julie E. Dodd

  • What type of technology did you have access to growing up?
  • Dr. Dodd access to technology included the television, stereo, camera and typewriter. Her mother’s teaching career also allowed her access to portable calculators which were considered a new kind of innovation.

  • What courses did you excel in high school?
  • English and typing were Dr. Dodd’s strong points. Her strength in typing ultimately leads her to type peer’s papers in college for money. Among the majority of her clients were males because they did not take advantage of learning to type well because they expected to have secretaries in their careers.

  • Prior to your current career did you have any experience with technology?
  • Dr. Dodd was very experienced with electric typewriters because in her home growing up they had his and hers own typewriters.

  • How often do you use technology and what type of technology/software to you use on the job?
  • Dr. Dodd uses a computer on a daily basis. When there was a scheduled meeting during a computer outage in the Journalism and Communications meeting they decided they might as well go home. The computer is an integral part of Dr. Dodd and the college’s daily functions. Dr. Dodd is experienced in using Photoshop and creating podcasts with GarageBand. She has also created a CDROM for her course MMC2100 and has used the college’s television studio for interviews that are edited using iMovie and added onto the CDROM.

  • What is your most valued form of technology and why?
  • After requesting a Mac computer for several years in her annual evaluation she received one when a computer update was needed. The Mac is essential for creating multi-media projects with audio and video. She also uses her Macintosh to maintain her MMC2100 Web site with Dreamweaver. Dr. Dodd created her first Web site in 1995.

  • What is your least favorite technology to work with and why?
  • WebCt is viewed by Dr. Dodd as sharing a briefcase with her students. Professors supply information and the students are able to obtain it. She believes it is great for posting grades but is glad she is able to make her own Web site in Dreamweaver.

  • Would you encourage other to use certain types of technology?
  • Dr. Dodd believes the ability to type is very successful for any student. She has benefited greatly from learning the correct way to type on a keyboard.

  • What current technology projects are you working on?
  • Dr. Dodd’s MMC2100 course every semester is required to complete a environmental, health or science newsworthy article. This semester a photograph accompanying the story is required as well. Dr. Dodd is reducing photographs from a guest speaker using Photoshop. The photos are large because of their quality and Dr. Dodd is reducing them to include in her classroom presentations.

  • If you could create your own type of technology, what would it be and why?
  • Dr. Dodd considered creating a bracelet to monitor health issues. However the issue of whether it is a realistic idea is still an issue to her.

  • How does the College of Journalism and Communications keep up with the changing technology? Is there any training offered or required?
  • Most people in the college seek out and want to learn about new technology on their own. Dr. Dodd has participated in trainings at the Poynter Institute. The college has had computers for almost 20 years.